2/22/96, chapsy@aol.com, Pittsburgh, PA USA Democracy/Freedom of Speech/Internet, etc.... By S.P. Chapler, M.D., . Copyright 1996, S.P. Chapler, M.D. Who has the responsibility of 'protecting' our children from the evils of the internet? Moral value systems and ethics come from the family, however you define 'family'. A child should know the difference between right and wring, good and bad. the child learns from the parent figure(s). The thing is, people, by nature, are curious. Curious about different opinions/attitudes/lifestyles, etc. Censoring or deleting this information from any medium will not extinguish the curiosity innate in all people. We may agree, disagree, whatever, but let us at least have the opportunity to be exposed to different ideas. Censorship? Monitoring? It's all crap. We, as Americans, have the right (some feel, the duty) to express ourselves. We now have a relatively new and untested medium with which to share ideas. This scares some people, especially those unfamiliar with the philosophy of democracy and freedom of speech and the constitution. There's 'bad stuff' all over the place--in neighborhoods, homes, projects, streets, television, magazines, newspapers, books-- it's not just the Internet where new and sometimes controversial ideas are exposed to public scrutiny. There is always the option of going to a different website if you end up someplace where you are not comfortable. Check out some wholesome website-it's not all evil and the 'evil' will always be there...what about thestack of girlie mags under the t-shirts in Dad's dresser drawer........think the kids never take a peek? If a kid is curious, so what...he/she will find the answers somewhere, either print or video media , if not computer. Oh, by the way, since this a democratic nation, shouldn't the people have a say in what is governed by government rule? Are we allowed to vote on this issue? Freedom of speech ...just think about the words........................ Peace